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joelle léandre

"take a risk, surprise yourself"

pauline oliveros

"what sound makes you creative?"

john cage

«I do not understand, why people are afraid of new ideas. I am afraid of the old ones.»

margaret pikes

"I believe that exploring and developing the voice can be a powerful tool to help personal development and artistic expression, when it is linked to a disciplined and open-minded exploration of life and human relationship."

auf dieser seite möchte ich musikerInnen, künstlerInnen, fotografInnen, .. 

vorstellen, die mein kreatives Tun

beeinflusst, bereichert haben.


in questa pagina vorrei presentare musicist*, artist*, fotograf*, ..

* qual* hanno influenzata, arricchita la mia creatività.


on this page I like to present musicians, artists, fotographs, ..

who influenced and enriched my creative work.


stamattina - regula wagner
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